Utah State Legislative Update 2/9

February 08, 2018


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Changes are italicized.

Bills that UAH Supports:

Bills that UAH Opposes:

  • H.B. 132: Juvenile Justice Modifications (Rep. Snow)
    • Follow up to last year's successful H.B. 239 and clarifies a few roles within the juvenile justice system. School districts have lobbied for a substitute where schools can again refer truant students to court, 1) if they have a plan in place for phasing out this approach and 2) until 2020. 
    • Why we oppose it: We opose the substitute, not the bill.  We appreciate all of Rep. Snow’s great work and are thankful for the reforms he has initiated. We understand and agree that schools may need help with funding and technical assistance if they are struggling with these new expectations, but schools must do better than relying on ineffective, expensive tools that produce terrible long-term outcomes for kids. 
    • Status: House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee

Bills that UAH is Watching:

  • Nutrition Assistance Amendments (Rep. Spendlove)
    • No text at this time, but could possibly implicate SNAP or WIC. Mysterious.
    • Status: In process


  • UAH testified in support of $550,000 for ongoing funding for Meals on Wheels, this funding was granted in full.